Sunday, March 21, 2021

Week of March 22nd !!

ZOOM Links for This Week:

Tuesday 03/21 to Friday 03/26


8:30 a.m. Meeting 

Meeting ID: 758 9905 9283

Password: love


2:00 p.m. Meeting

Meeting ID: 730 9072 7541

Password: love



If your child cannot attend one of these two meetings, please let me know and I can schedule a meeting at a time that is more convenient for you.


There are numerous activities posted every week on our classroom

SeeSaw Account! 


The link for the read aloud of this week’s foundational text, 
Moonbear’s Shadow by Frank Asch HERE!

Remote Learners Weekly Activity:

Exploring Shadows 

Invite your children to look for and explore the shadows they see outside. Encourage your child to explore how they can make different shadow shapes with their own bodies or objects. 



Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK.SCI.9. [P-PS3-1.] Participates in an investigation to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface 


Open ended questions

What did you observe here/when ____?
What did your sense of ____ tell you about ____? 

What will you try next? 

I wonder what would happen if ____?
How do you know? How could we find out? 


*Please send pictures or drawings of the weekly activity to or text the picture 

to (862)248-2841 


Unit Topic:



Essential Question for the Unit:

·      How and why do we use different kinds of light?  



     Focus Questions for this Week:

·    What is darkness?

·    What are shadows?

Focused Learning activity for the week:


Mrs. Gonzalez and Mrs. Tavares will point student’s shadows out to them during outdoor time. They will show them how their shadows move in the same way and at the same time they do.  Student's will be encouraged to watch their shadows as they move their bodies. They will be asked to pause and pose. The teacher will take pictures of the students and their shadows.  Students will then be able to match the classmate to their shadow and discuss what makes a shadow. 



Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK.SCI.9. [P-PS3-1.] Participates in an investigation to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface 


Foundational Text for the Week:
Moonbear’s Shadow by Frank Asch

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK. ELAL.7: Develops and answers questions about characters, major events, and pieces of information in a text. 

PK.SCI.9. [P-PS3-1.]Participates in an investigation to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface 



Level 1: Recall 

What was Bear doing when he first noticed his shadow? 

Why did Bear want to get rid of his shadow? 

What are some of the ways Bear tried to get rid of his shadow? 

Level 2: Skill/Concept 

What makes shadows?
Why did Bear’s shadow move when bear moved? 

Is it possible to get rid of a shadow? Why or why not? 

Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

Bear felt very annoyed when he could not get rid of his shadow. Are there things that make you feel annoyed? What are they? 

Bear talked to his shadow. Can shadows listen? Can shadows answer questions? Why or why not? 

Level 4: Extended Thinking 

When it was noon and the sun was high in the sky, Bear’s shadow was gone. Why? 

When can you see your shadow?
How can you make your shadow go away? 



Lessons and activities for the week:


Blocks- Students are invited to explore how they might use blocks and a flashlight to create shadow letters.  


Pretend Play- Students will be able to use flashlights for shadow play.  


Art-  Students will be invited to create sun catchers with tissue paper and paint.  


Science- Students will be able to use the light table to look at x-rays and an assortment of translucent objects.   


Math- Students will be able to match shape manipulativeswith their shadow.  


Library- Students are invited to read books about our theme, light.  


Writing- Students are invited to use a trace and draw projector. 


Sensory- Students will be able to play with their own individual containers of play-doh.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!  


Please always make sure to read the OLQM School Blog for additional information, located HERE!



If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175








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