Saturday, June 17, 2017

Week of June 19th!

Unit Topic: 
Essential Question 
What is transformation and how do things change? 
Focus Questions 
How can objects change?

Student Outcomes 
Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit: 
Many things around me change.
There are many ways objects can change.
There are many kinds of changes in nature. 
Some things about me change and some things stay the same. 

Learning Centers and Activities:

Blocks: Children will be invited to measure each other with blocks and count how many blocks tall they are.

Pretend Play: Children will be encouraged to create a kindergarten classroom in the dramatic play area. 

Art: Children will use paper plates to draw a mouth and express an emotion (i.e. a smile for happy, frown for sad) then turn the plate over and draw another mouth expressing a different emotion on the back. 

Science: Students will be able to make predictions about what will happen when you mix vinegar and baking soda.

Math: Children will be invited to tape two cardboard tubes diagonally onto a wall facing each other. They will place a basket or container below the tubes so that when items are dropped into the tubes they will both fall into the basket. The students will count the items and each basket to see how many they have in total. For example, “Two on one side and two more on the other side made four in the basket.”) 

Writing: The students will play a game with pictures of things that can be combined to form compound words (i.e. “peanut “butter,” “cow” and “boy” and “tooth” and “brush”)

Library: The children will be invited to use puppets to read or act out some of their favorite transformation books. 

Sand/water sensory: The students will be provided with small toy boats and a number of small manipulatives to place on the boat before the boat sinks.

Books of the Week: 
Joseph Had a Little Overcoat by Simms Taback 
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn 

·      Tuesday, June 27th –Prek Moving Up Ceremony at 10:00 A.M in the auditorium

Dear parents, 

If you have any questions about the UPK for All program that I, Mrs. Gonzalez or Mr. Woods are unable to answer please feel free to contact: The Archdioceses Help Line at 888-227-8175 from 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. or by Email at

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