Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week of November 27th

Student Outcomes
Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:

  • I am unique; there is no one who looks, feels, thinks and acts exactly like I do.
  • I feel different ways at different times for different reasons.
  • I am part of a family and a classroom community.
  • My family is important and unique.
  • My classroom is a community. All of the people in my class are important and unique.
  • I can help make my classroom a fun, safe and exciting pla

Learning Centers:

Blocks-The student’s name cards will be available in block center.  Students are invited to write their names using blocks, discussing the lines in each letter of their name (straight, curved, etc.).

Pretend Play- Children are invited to pretend to be a family. They are encouraged them to cook for each other, eat a meal together, or take care of daily household living.

Art- Various size shapes from construction paper will be cut out and students are invited to use the shapes to create their bodies. After gluing the shapes together, or to a piece of paper, children can use writing utensils to add additional details (hair, patterns on clothes, etc.).

Science- Students are invited to use magnifying glasses to explore fingerprints, skin, hair, etc.

Math- Children can count the letters in their own names as well as their peers’ names. 

Library- Students are encouraged to read a book with a friend. One child could read to the other or they could look at a book together.

 Writing/Technology-  Weekly learning games on iPads are provided.  

Sensory- Sand and water, or play-doh.

Some of the books we will read this week:
The Feelings Book  by Todd Parr
I Love Saturday and Domingos by Alma Flor Ada 

**Reminders-Please mark your calendars **

  • Christmas Break is from December 22nd- January 3rd 

Home School Activities
Handwriting Book 
Building Blocks Activities Handouts 

Dear parents, 
If you have any questions or concerns about the UPK for All program that I, Mrs. Gonzalez or Mr. Woods are unable to answer ,please feel free to contact :
The Archdioceses 
help line 888-227-8175 from 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 

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