Sunday, October 25, 2020

Week of October 26th!!


Students are invited to wear their costumes to school and online via Zoom on Friday, October 30th!  If students are in school, they must also wear a face covering throughout the school day.



ZOOM Links for This Week:

Monday 10/26 to Friday 10/30 


8:30 a.m. Meeting 

Meeting ID: 749 0779 3811

Password: prek3



2:30 p.m. Meeting

Meeting ID: 747 4085 6710

Password: prek3


The link for the read aloud of this week's foundational text, Press Here by Herve Tullet is located HERE.

Lessons and Activities for the Week for At Home Learners:


Monday- Invite your child to stomp on as many leaves as possible. Ask what they hear as they stomp. Do the leaves crunch and crackle? Why or why not?

Tuesday- Play different kinds of music and encourage your child to dance freely or copy movements. Pause the music at various points and encourage students to “FREEZE!” when they hear the music stop.

Wednesday- Invite your child to make a rainstorm with bodies. For example, they might rub their hands together, tap their fingers, stomp their feet, clap loudly, etc. to represent the sounds heard in a rainstorm.

Thursday- Invite children to use mirrors to look at their faces to examine their features and explore the connections between their features and their five senses.

Friday-Invite your child to play Simon Says. Give directions for touching their noses, ears, mouth and eyes, but only if “Simon” says!


Weekly Activity :

Invite your child to smell or taste a new food or something they would not usually eat. Provide prompts to encourage discussion, how does it look? What do you see? How does the food feel before you try it? How does it feel in your mouth? How does it taste? How does it smell? Would you try it again? Why or why not?

Ask your child to draw a picture of the food that they tasted!

Please email the picture (with a description or dictation if possible) to me at

Information for In-Person Learners

Unit Topic:

·               My Five Senses


Essential Question for the Unit:

·               How do we use our senses to explore, investigate and understand the world around us?


Focus Question for the Week:

·               How do we use our sense of taste?


Focused Learning Activity for the Week:

A "Feely-Box" will be added to the science center.  Students will be asked to reach their hand into the box, describe what they feel, and guess what is inside the box using only their sense of touch.


Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

·                                 PK.AC.5: Demonstrates a growing expressive vocabulary.



·               Foundational Text for the Week:

• Press Here by Herve Tullet


Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

• PK.ELAL.5: Participates in discussions about a text.



Questions That Will Be Asked Throughout The Week:


Level 1: Recall 

What are you supposed to press in this book?

What happens when you press the dots in this book?

What happens when you tilt and shake the book?


Level 2: Skill/Concept

Sometimes the book says to press gently on the dots. Press gently on your arm. How does that feel?

Sometimes the book says to press hard on the dots. Press hard on your arm. How does that feel?

The book says to blow gently on the dots. Blow gently on your arm. How does that feel?


Level 3: Strategic Thinking

What happens when you blow on something?

What happens if you blow on something really hard?

What happened to the dots when we blew really hard?


Level 4: Extended Thinking

When the book told us to clap more and more and more we clapped louder and louder and louder. Why?

Were the dots really moving in this book? How do you know?


Lessons and Activities for the Week:


Blocks- Children are encouraged to use tree shaped blocks.  Students will be able to explore how the blocks feel and look compared to the other blocks in the block area.


Art- Individual containers of play-doh will be given to each child. Children can discuss how the play-doh feels, looks, and smells.


Science- A "Feely Box" will be added to the science center.  Students are invited to put their hands in the holes of the box and identify the object using only their sense of touch. 


Math- Students will be able to sort animal manipulatives by color, size, type, and texture.


Library- Students are invited to look at our classroom books and discuss what they see with their peers.


Writing- Scented markers will be provided to each student. Students will be encouraged to use their sense of smell as they use the markers.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!



If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175


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