Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week of September 28th

Week of September 28th

Students will continue to explore the theme of friendship and families. We will also discuss what makes a good friend and how our classroom rules apply to the theme.

Science: Students will work in small groups to mix paint and explore how many colors they can make.

Blocks: Students will play with wooden blocks to work with his/her friends

Art : Students will draw and/or write his/her best friend.

Math: The students will use play dough to create tacos or anything they choose to do with his/her classmates.

Writing: Students will create cards for his/her friends and/or family

Home School Connection

Song: The More We Get Together

Our class favorite read aloud books this week are:
The Gingerbread by Catherine McCafferty
Hooray, a PiƱata by Elisa Kleven

*Revisit these stories and ask your child to read the story to you.

Play a game with your child and encourage taking turns

Ask your child to share a book with you

Please make sure your child arrives early to class 8:00AM
any child arriving after 8:00AM will be marked late.

School closed on Monday, October 12, 2015 (Columbus Day)

Please make sure your child wears sneakers to school.

Flynn and O'Hara Uniform Company
There are forms available in the office for Flynn and O'Hara uniform company. Parents should remember that they must tell the company if they are ordering by phone or e-mail that their child attends Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in New York City.

Parents in the PreK classes must indicate if their child is in the PreK For All program or the PreK program of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School. Any questions please call Alba at 212-567-3190

Sunday, September 13, 2015

September Theme: All about me 

Students will learn all about themselves and their classmates while collaborating with one another. Other daily activities such taking attendance, using daily pictorial schedule, learning centers and sign in name cards  will reinforce the learning objectives for the “All about me” theme.

Math: Create an eye color chart

Science: Identify body parts

Literacy: Create a “All about me” book

Song: Head, Shoulders,Knees and Toes

Blocks: How many rectagular blocks tall are you ?

Art: Draw/paint  a self-portrait


Students have gym evey day of the week . Please have your child wear sneakers. 

Classes start at 8:00 A.M. Students arriving after 8:00 A.M are marked late. 

Return forms given during the 
parent- teacher orientation meeting. 

School will be closed on 
Friday, September 25, 2015

Home-school Connection

Encourage child to identify body parts

Ask your child to identify the color of your eyes and siblings in the family

Have your child measure his/her hands  with beans or M&M’s .Help your child count the beans or M&M’s 

Songs to sing: 
Head, Shoulders,Knees and Toes
Where is Thumbkin