Sunday, June 9, 2019

Week of June 10th!

Reminders / Notices:
  • Donuts with Dad will be on Thursday, June 13th, at 10:00 am in the gymnasium. 
  • School is Closed on Friday, June 14th
  • Thursday, June 20th is the last day of afterschool.
  • School is Closed on Friday, June 21st.
  • Our Moving Up Ceremony is on Tuesday, June 25th at 10:00 a.m.!

Unit Topic:
  • Transformation

Essential Question for the Unit:
  • What is transformation and how do things change?

Focus Question for the Week:
  • What changes around me?

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:
  • Mrs. Gonzalez and Mrs. Tavares will work with students in the science center.  They will read students the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and discuss the life cycle of a caterpillar.  Students will be encouraged to draw and label the life cycle of a caterpillar.

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:
PK.CKW.5 (Science): 
  • Observes and describes characteristics of living things. 
Foundational Text for the Week:
  • Little Tree by Loren Long

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:
  • PK.SED.1: Recognizes himself/herself as a unique individual having his/her own abilities, characteristics, feelings and interests

Questions That Will Be Asked Throughout The Week:

Level 1: Recall

  • Why did Little Tree stay little when all of the other trees started to grow bigger?  
  • Why did Little Tree finally decide to let go of his leaves?  
  • What happened after Little Tree dropped his leaves? 

Level 2: Skill/Concept 

  • Why do you think Little Tree wanted to keep his leaves for so long?  
  • Why do you think the animals in the forest tried to help Little Tree drop his leaves?  
  • How do you think Little Tree felt about staying the same when all of the other trees were growing and changing?   

Level 3: Strategic Thinking

  • If you were in the forest with Little Tree would you try to help him drop his leaves? Why or why not?  
  • What do you think the other trees and the animals in the forest thought about Little Tree keeping his leaves and staying the same?  

Level 4: Extended Thinking 
  • If you were going to try to help Little Tree drop his leaves what would you do? Why?   
  • Can you think of a time when the things around you were changing but you wanted them to stay the same? What did you do?   
  • Tell a partner about a change that made you uncomfortable or a change that made you excited.

Lessons and Activities for the Week:

Blocks- Students are invited to measure each other with blocks and record their answers.  Students will then make a prediction about how tall they think they'll be when they grow up.

Pretend Play- Pretend Play will continue to be a baby nursery.  Students will pretend to care for babies by feeding, cleaning, and changing the baby dolls provided.  Students will be prompted to reflect on how they have changed from when they were a baby.

Art- Students are invited to draw a picture of the things they can do now and things they would like to do in the future. 

Science- Students will be able to discuss and draw the life cycle of a butterfly.

Math- Students will be adding objects in the classroom and writing the corresponding number sentence.

Library- Students are invited to read books about our theme, transformation.

Writing-  Based on the weekly readings throughout the year, students will be encouraged to write a story about something or someone who experiences a change. 

Sensory- Sand and water, or play-doh.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175. 

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