Sunday, June 10, 2018

Week of June 11th!

Theme for the Unit:

Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit: 

              • Many things around me change.
         • There are many ways objects can change. 
         •There are many kinds of changes in nature. 
         •Some things about me change and some things stay the same

Children will be provided with various types of blocks and building materials such as Lincoln Logs, small blocks, big blocks Duplos, etc. to build their own homes or buildings near where they live.

Pretend Play
The children will be invited to create a kindergarten classroom in the dramatic play area. 

Children will be invited children to explore coloring mixing and how the colors can change into new colors. 

Science: The children will be provided with an assortment of materials to mix together such as oil and vinegar and flour and water. 

 Math: The teacher will tape two cardboard tubes diagonally onto a wall facing each other for students to drop pom poms and add the amount.

Writing:The children will play a game with pictures of things that can be combined to form compound words (i.e. “peanut “butter,” “cow” and “boy” and “tooth” and “brush”).

Technology: Learning games will be provided on the iPad.

Library: The children will be invited to use puppets to read or act out some of their favorite transformation books.

Sensory -Sand and water, or play-doh. 

Some of the books we will read this week are 
Little TreebyLoren Long 
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn 

Donuts with Dad will be on Friday, June 15th, at 9:00 A.M.
Moving Up Ceremony will be on Monday, June 25th

Dear parents, 
If you have any questions about the UPK for All program that the teacher or school is unable to answer please feel free to contact: The Archdioceses Help Line at 888-227-8175 from 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. or by Email at

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