Monday, October 31, 2016

Week of October 31st

October Theme: The Five Senses

Student Outcomes:
Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:
There are five senses. They are smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing.
We use our senses to understand our bodies, learn what they need and keep us safe.
We use our senses to learn about the people, places, objects and environment around us. We experience and interact with the world differently when our senses, such as vision or hearing, are impaired.

Lesson and activities for the week:

 Blocks-Children are encouraged to use blocks that are covered
with green and/or brown paper to make them look like tree parts.    

Dramatic Play: Children are invited to explore lengths of fabric in various textures (silky, burlap, terry cloth, etc.). 

Art: Children will be provided with leaves collected from our neighborhood walk .The children will be encouraged to do a leaf rubbing activity.

Science/ Discovery:   
The children will be invited to use a magnifying glass to look at objects collected from our neighborhood walk. 

 Toys and Games / Math Manipulatives: The children will be invited to sort  manipulatives by color, size, shape or texture. 

 Sand and Water / Sensory: Children will explore an assortment textured materials (i.e. sandpaper, cotton balls, fabric samples, seashells, wax paper, etc.) to the sensory table. 

Library Children will be invited  to look at the books with another child and discuss what they see. 

Computer/Technology: Children will be encouraged to practice identifying the sound they hear.

Writing: Children’s will be encouraged to practice name writing with scented markers.

Book of the week:
Press Here by Herve Tullet
The Five Senses by Aliki
Building Shapes by Tracy Moncure

  • Students have gross motor (outdoors/gym) all week (Mon.-Fri.). Please make sure they are wearing sneakers and the UPK for all uniform. In addition they need to have their coats in their cubby. 
  • Students must have a set of extra winter clothes in their cubby.
  • School will be closed on Friday, November 11th, for Veteran’s Day. 
  • Please return parent questionnaires as soon as possible. 

***Parents if you have additional questions or concerns that I , Mrs. Gonzalez or Mr. Woods are unable to answer about the program, please feel free to contact The Archdioceses at 
888-227-8175 from 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. or by Email at

Home-School Connection:
Parents if possible find items of various textures at home or natural objects collected from outside, related to fall, that are clean and safe for small children to handle such as pine cones, acorns or leaves. Explore how each of these items feel with your child. 
weekly lesson plan

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